Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Lost Lamb is Returning to the Fold

Yes, it is I, the lost dieter. The lost little lamb is finding her way back to the safety of the fold. I decided that my clothes were sending a message of "Too tight; not right!" After a very sad New Years Eve by myself, (My kids were with their dad) and eating WAY too much, I gave in. On January 4, 2011 I joined Weight Watchers Online. I really love the online program! I love having a plan and trying my best to stick with it. Since the 4th I have lost 15.4 pounds. I know that this is not quite the excitement of The Biggest Loser, when people lose 15 pounds in one week, but I am happy. I am hoping when I next see all of you in May that there will be less of me to look at.

My question is, why does it always take a breaking point before we do something about our weight? As I said, my breaking point came after eating so much pizza I felt like throwing it up. There were many tears that night and I knew I was at my lowest point. I also knew that I loved my kids and myself enough to change my habits. Life is important to me and I want to be here to raise my kids. They also deserve a Mom who has the energy and strength to keep up with them.

I am happy to be back here giving and receiving support . It is the only way to truly be successful in any weight loss journey.


Marta O. Smith said...

Hi Sheila! 15 pounds in less than a month is awesome! I've been contemplating Weight Watchers again, too. I hear they've revamped the points system. But the closest meeting to me is half an hour away. What's the online version like? What kind of tools and support do you have?

Sandra said...

Shelia, I think that us having to hit a bottom and wanting to change is part of the Lord's plan. We have to be willing to subject our natural man to our spirit and hitting bottom is part of our being willing to do that. Until we hit bottom, our pride stands in our way of submitting our will to the will of the Father.

Then, once we are willing to submit to Father, then He can teach us what we need to know, because it isn't until then that we are humble enough to listen to Him and make the changes in our prideful behavior.

The good news is this- He is willing to start the lesson over every time we forget to be humble and let our pride get in our way.

Beth said...

I'll be coming here a lot cuz God knows I'm not being successful.

I'm your newest follower.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

I gained three pounds in six months. Darn winter:(