Thursday, December 31, 2009

I'm back

Hey guys! Happy New Year! The holidays are almost over and since I'm starting a new stint of the hcg diet, I thought I'd keep you posted on my progress. I'm doing a short one this time as 40 days was just too long for me.

I gave myself the first shot this morning and let me just say . . . scary! I'm out of practice. It also stung a little and bled. Oh well. It was over quick. I'll keep you up to date on how things go. These first two days are considered "load" days where I'm supposed to eat as much fat as I can stuff inside myself! WOO HOO! My dear friend is starting with me. I plan on eating at Olive Garden for lunch and donuts for dinner! =) And everything else in between!

I'll be checking in. May all your clothes feel baggy!

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