Monday, September 14, 2009

Dang It, We're Awesome

I just wanted to tell everyone how awesome you all are. It's not easy sticking to an eating plan or exercise plan. Life gets so busy and hectic and, yet, everyone is still working through it. Yay for us!!

I haven't been exercising, unless you can call running through the house screaming at the sewing machine exercise :). Fortunately, I finished those *&%^$#$%* bridesmaids' dresses today. Woo hoo.

Now, I'm in a mad dash to get everything, and everyone, else ready to go to the wedding next week so I probably won't got to my exercise DVDs, especially because I also need to homeschool. And, I have a son who is barfing--now, wouldn't it be nice if we all came down with the stomach flu for the wedding? Shh, pretend I didn't say that!

I did try on my 80s dress and it fit. Woo hooooooo! Of course, my kids won't let me wear it to the wedding (I ended up buying another dress) but the fact that I can zip it up makes me feel all happy and fuzzy inside. I still have 7 more pounds to get to my goal weight. My total weight loss since I started is 29 lbs.

I'm so proud of all of you!!


hi, it's me! melissa c said...

YOU GO GIRL!!!! I can't wait until I am where you are! You've done such a great thing! Keep it up!

And congrats on finishing those dressed. I would never do that. I'd just skip the wedding if I had to sew! lol

Erin said...

Hooray! Great Job!

Tristi Pinkston said...

I couldn't agree more ... we are dang awesome!!